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132nd NKVD Convoy Troops Battalion

Rob: We are going to have our first event of 2007 this weekend, and we are going to do a Brest-Litovsk scenario, where I and a few others will portray the 132nd NKVD Convoy Troops Battalion. I would like to know; - When was it formed? - How many people were roughly in the battalion? - Who was it's Commander and Kommissar? - Where were they normally based? - What were they doing at the Brest Fortress on the 22nd June 1941? - Did anybody from the Battalion survive the siege?

Ответов - 20

Александр Шатулин: - When was it formed? I don't now. - How many people were roughly in the battalion? The strenght roughly estimated at 300 men (near 150 in the fortress). - Who was it's Commander and Kommissar? Commander - капитан А. С. Костицин. On the 22nd June 1941he was in Moscow. - Where were they normally based? Брест, Пинск, Кобрин, Пружаны. - What were they doing at the Brest Fortress on the 22nd June 1941? Their HQ and barracks has been located in the fortress. Known battle casualties. KIA in the fortress: - Барабанщиков Петр Иванович - рядовой, коновод автохозвзвода 132-го батальона НКВД. - Баранов Борис Иванович - рядовой, телефонист взвода связи 132 об. - Баринов Александр Иванович - рядовой, кладовщик склада обозно-вещевего снабжения 132-го об. - Городилин Николай Иванович - рядовой, писарь обозно-вещевого снабжения 132-го об. - Гришин Василий Тимофеевич - рядовой, стрелок 1-й роты 132-го об. - Доброцветов Михаил Александрович - рядовой, ручной пулеметчик 3-й роты 132-го об. - Докучаев Александр Михайлович - рядовой, стрелок 2-й роты 132-го об. - Егоров Николай Савельевич - рядовой, гранатометчик 3-й роты 132-го об. - Зинин Петр Григорьевич - рядовой, стрелок 2-й роты 132-го об. - Косенко Владимир Гаврилович - рядовой, гранатометчик 3-й роты 132-го об. - Латышев Александр Васильевич - рядовой, гранатометчик 3-й роты 132-го об. - Лонин Александр Андреевич - рядовой, шофер автохозвзвода 132-го об. - Мараков Павел Александрович - рядовой, стрелок 2-й роты 132-го об. - Марков Николай Васильевич - рядовой, телефонист взвода связи 132-го об. - Мисюрин Константин Павлович - рядовой, стрелок 2-й роты 132-го об. - Перетокин Иван Григорьевич - рядовой, гранатометчик 1-го взвода 2-й роты 132-го об. - Рябов Федор Васильевич - рядовой, повар 132-го об. - Савельев Алексей Иванович - рядовой, курсант 3-й роты 132-го об. - Семенычев Владимир Иванович - рядовой, шофер автохозвзвода 132-го об. - Симаков Владимир Федорович - рядовой, ручной пулеметчик 1-й роты 132-го об. - Смирнов Николай Павлович - рядовой, старший писарь хозчасти 132-го об. - Сучков Павел Иванович - рядовой, инструктор общеобразовательной подготовки 132-го об. - Усов Иван Андреевич - рядовой, гранатометчик 132-го об. - Юдин Михаил Иванович - рядовой, шофер автохозвзвода 132-го об. Also 25 men KIA in the city of Brest. Dead in captivity: - Беляев Иван Константинович - рядовой, пулеметчик 2-го взвода 2-й роты 132-го об. Умер 14.01.42 г. в шталаге 308. - Крупин Алесандр Тимофеевич - рядовой, санитар санчасти 132-го об. Умер 11.11.42 г. - Мартынов Иван Николаевич - рядовой, шофер автохозвзвода 132-го об. MIA: - Веселов Геннадий Иванович - рядовой, шофер автохозвзвода 132-го об. - Козицын Александр Дмитриевич - рядовой, кладовщик склада 132-го об. - Новиков Константин Антонович - младший сержант, мастер химдела 132-го об. - Филиппов Павел Федорович - рядовой, стрелок 3-го взвода 2-й роты 132-го об. - Шмангин Борис Егорович - рядовой, портной 132-го об. - Шнейдерман Шиман Маркусович - зам.политрука 132-го об. In all cases рядовой must be replaced by красноармеец, that more historically correct for 1941.

Rob: Thank you for the information - for this event I'm hoping to try and write a short outline about the Battalion, and what they did during the Siege for the public to read. As far as I know, they were located with the 17th Border Guards in the Central Citadel of the fortress, and it was a member of the 132nd who scratched a message on a brick for the Soviet people to keep fighting against the invaders as he lay dying in the ruins. "We'll die but we'll not leave the fortress". "I'm dying but I won't surrender. Farewell, Motherland. 20.VII.41." Is there anything more anyone can tell me about them? Are there any specific stories about what happened during the battle at the Central Citadel?

Rob: Here is a picture from our event - not a battle reconstruction, but a demonstration of the Maxim for the public. The public here in England had as much fun seeing the Maxim as much as we had firing it!

Тов.Грибко: Is it real Maxim or DAW? (Disarmored Weapon)/ Good job! Great! :-)

Rob: It's real - laws here on live firearms are VERY strict, but we can still own live Mosin Nagants (with a licence) and we can hire automatic weapons like the Maxim or PPSh from armourers who have a special government permit to rent them to reenactment groups for the day. It worked very well - we fired a belt of 100 patroni and we didn't get a single stoppage (Klineet?) with it!

Тов.Грибко: Yes! It's Don't Klineet! (Kl'i:ni:t Very powerfull weapon, but this weapon criticaly in temperature balance. Water cooling. :-) If your laws is very strict - our laws - is EXTREMAL STRICT... :-)

Rob: I just had a look at Russian firearm laws. Borzha moi! You are right, that is extremely strict! http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20050811/41139012.html

Тов.Грибко: In our country, only 2 bandits and bandits in law (police) have premission on weapon... :-(

Rob: Yes - that sounds about the same situation that we have here. Anyway - another pic of myself at 'Brest-Litovsk' It is actually an old coastal fortress outside the city of Portsmouth which was built in the same year as Brest-Litovsk and was designed to stop Napoleon from invading England - it looks like a little cousin of the Hero Fortress, but thankfully it was never needed, and makes a perfect place for us reconstruct the scenario - we set it a couple of days before the 22nd June, since the owners of the fortress would have been unhappy if had we shot up the brick walls to make them look correct! This picture was taken a little further back

Тов.Рязанцев: Rob Good pics, Rob! Even with England grass! Fine weather, I see - think you had a nice day in uniform...

Тов.Грибко: Of course, it is not our grass... You may start to reconstruct grass. :-)

Rob: Well, we did have some bottles of Bison Grass Vodka (Зубровка) that is distilled in the Brest area! We all like to drink Зубровка and it was authentic to the scene - ура!

Тов.Грибко: How to ask our grandfather (He was Partisan in Belorusia), Almost soviet Soldiers and partisans, attack germans, drinked vodka or samogon first. You must to try Samogon! ;-) It's national drunk of Soviet Partisans...

Александр Шатулин: By the way hard drinking can lead you to the arrest or court martial...

Rob: Ah - I forgot to mention that we drink only in the evening and only when all the weapons (both live and deactivated) have been packed away.

Тов.Грибко: It's will be interesting! :-)) Drinked English reconstuctors song russian soldiers sings, and shoot in air! :-))))

Лёнька Бурлаков:

Rob: Ohhhh - Samogon, I heard about Soviet troops and partizans being given a ration (100ml?) before a battle. I recently bought a Byelorussian partizan's hat (a copy) - it looks just like the ones worn in Idi I Smotri. I will take a picture of it when I can borrow my parents camera.

Лёнька Бурлаков: "Narkomovskye 100ml"...

Тов.Грибко: "SovNarkomovskiye 100 gramm" :-)

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