Форум » For Red Army and NKVD reenactors » Be aware of the fake www.ushanka.net production! » Ответить

Be aware of the fake www.ushanka.net production!

Тов.Рязанцев: Find this site in the net and was very surprised, how can this guy have it business? They have such fake things...

Ответов - 3

Rob: I know of this one. Most of the dealers who sell kit to Soviet reenactors in Britain and the States sell rather poor reproduction ushankas. Most of us buy our ushankas from a member of our group who specially makes them for us instead.

Тов.Рязанцев: Did you saw what they sell else? The tunics with incredible insignias and so on...

Rob: Oh the wound stripes and strange patches? Yes, a NKVD Detective Tank Cavalry Officer who also commands artillery! Bozhe Moi! I never realised The Terminator was in the NKVD!

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