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Units at Brest Litovsk Fortress

Rob: What units and sub-units were present during the siege at Brest Litovsk? These I know of so far; 42nd Rifle Division Elements of the 17th NKVD Border Guards 33rd Detatched Engineering Regiment Elements of 132nd NKVD Convoy Troops Battalion What others were there?

Ответов - 1

Александр Шатулин: Some elements of 6th Rifle Division also were present. http://vip.lenta.ru/topic/victory/brest.htm 84th Rifle Regt (without 2 rifle battalions) 125th Rifle Regt (without 1 rifle battalion and engineering company) 333rd Rifle Regt (without 1 rifle battalion and engineering company) 44th Rifle Regt (without 2 rifle battalions) 455th Rifle Regt (without 1 rifle battalion and engineering company) 131st Artillery Regt 98th Anti-Tank Artillery Battalion 393rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion 75th Reconnaissance Battalion 37th Signal Battalion 31th Automobile Battalion 158th Automobile Battalion Elements of 33rd Engineering Regiment, 17th NKVD Border Guards Detachment, 132nd NKVD Convoy Troops Battalion

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